Module Three: Writing
This relates to pages 46-54 of the Serpentine Instructional Playbook
Quizzes (reflections) will be added as they are created.
The Writing Rope
The Simple View of Writing
Syntax part 2
Watch the Syntax Project presentation by Stephanie Le Lievre.
Suggested follow up tasks:
Observe a syntax lesson in lower or upper primary
Introduction to The Writing Revolution
Watch the Think Forward Educators presentation The Writing Revolution by Toni-Ann Vroom & Dina Zoleo​
Suggested follow up tasks:
Observe a TWR lesson in lower or upper primary
Comprehension & Writing
Watch the Reading Science in Schools (RSiS) presentation Comprehension & Writing by Natalie Wexler.
Suggested follow up tasks:
Observe an embedded writing task (as part of a knowledge/ literature unit lesson)
Formula for Frames
Watch the Fremantle Speech Pathology Services presentation on Formula for Frames:
Suggested follow up tasks:
Observe a Formula for Frames lesson (or watch a lesson on the Formula for Frames Facebook page).